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055 30 59 58

Team building

You want to organize a team-building event in the center of Oudenaarde? Strike! Bowling Stones has the infrastructure, the location, and possibly even more importantly, the most eminent team-building activity facilities in the area.

Make the most out of your team-building event with a minimum of organizational hassles. Come and play bowl as a team-building activity at Bowling Stones Oudenaarde. You can park at the door, pick the most attractive formula and the fun starts. That’s how easy organizing a team-building event can be, if you choose Bowling Stones Oudenaarde.

Bowling Stones has tons of experience organizing team-building events. That is why we make it worry-free for you. Even when you have to make a choice between our attractive formulas, you will enjoy our professional advice.

Our fondue, skewers or stone grilled food are all equally delicious, especially when combined with the bowling fun that awaits you and your team. You will see that bowling does miracles for the team spirit watching our own staff at work. Their enthusiasm and smiles will turn your team-building event to an even bigger success.

Manager Jan


Contact Jan

Email or call us: 055 30 59 58 |

  • Big private parking
  • 18 full-automatic bowling lanes
  • Trendy interior – lounge
  • Free wifi