General information and rates - BRUSSELS


Bank details : NV RESTOBOWL | BE93 2850 2828 9067 | BIC GEBABEBB

Booking for bowling only is not possible
Bowling per hour - Prices
  • Monday - Friday
    €38 / hour
  • Friday after 5PM
    €45 / hour
  • Saturday & Sunday
    € 45 / hour
* + € 0.5 safe sox (optional)* Prices subject to change* Price PER LANE (+/- 6 persons per lane)

Opening Hours

Day Open Closed
Monday 14:00 23:00
Tuesday 14:00 23:00
Wednesday 14:00 23:00
Thursday 14:00 23:00
Friday 14:00 02:00
Saturday 14:00 02:00
Sunday 14:00 23:00

Good to know

  • Change of opening hours possible for groups, schools and businesses after prior contact with the bowling
  • Training pants and headwear are forbidden
  • After 21h (Friday&Saturday) access denied for children <6 years
  • Dogs are not allowed
  • Allergies or comments? Please report it to our staff
  • We are closed on 24 & 25 December - 31 December & 1 January

Location and directions


Steenweg op Brussel 397 | B-1780 Brussels (Wemmel)

Dear Customers, 


There is no possibility to book the bowling. You are welcome to visit us right away and we will direct you to one of our 36 lanes. 


Thank you for your understanding and hope to see you soon! 



Team Bowling Stones